Yipee! School Feeding Program almost ready to go!
25 Good news! The Mount Carmel Primary School Feeding Program is moving forward. We’ve located a very kind and trustworthy lady to do the cooking and serving at a very reasonable rate for the 60 students we have identified as in desperate need of a life-sustaining meal at least once a day.
We will be able to provide lunches to these needy students for only $1.BZ (=$.63 US) a day. A meal will consist of something like rice and beans, chicken, salad, and a juice. In order to get the cost this low we are depending upon benefactors and sponsors to either provide us with the goods like rice and beans or monetary contributions that will enable us to purchase these goods and pay her for the finished meals.
We hope to feed these 60 very hungry students 4 (Fridays are only ½ days and students leave before lunch) meals a week which comes out to only about 24 BZ a month per student which IS ONLY $12 US! Can you imagine! I think it’s incredible that a child can be fed a nutritious meal every school day for only 12 bucks!
There’s no way to express how grateful these children are for some food. If you haven’t already witnessed it, it’s really an experience to witness a really hungry kid enjoying a good meal. A little goes a long way down here. This is a great opportunity for you to share the abundance in your own lives with children that are really in need and appreciative at any compassion directed towards them. Any money or goods donated goes directly to these precious children! Not a cent or shilling of it goes toward anything else! So lest you had any doubts, please know that any donation on your behalf is directly and almost immediately alleviating the suffering of at least one child.
Here’s some information about how to make a financial contribution:
If you’re in the States you can deposit money at any Bank of America location. The account number is 005863013705. The account is under “Belize Student Assistance Fund.”
If you’re in Belize, you can deposit in an Atlantic Bank savings account number 210769925. This account is under the name “Mount Carmel School Feeding Program.”
You can always mail anything to me at Mount Carmel Primary School, 10 Diaz Street, Benque Viejo del Carmen, Cayo Dist., Belize, C.A.
While we have the finances to initiate this program and run it for about a month, we are greatly hoping and relying on some kind-hearted and generous folks in both the United States and Belize for the continued success of this program. We're looking at about $700US a month to feed these precious 58 students. What a great way to share your blessings with others and I firmly believe that you will be greatly blessed in turn!
Below is an excerpt from the letter we are sending to any potential benefactors (the letter is also attached to this email):
"As you know, children are unable to perform successfully when their basic needs which include food, clothing, shelter, and an adequate amount of sleep, are not satisfied. We are greatly concerned about students at our school who are not receiving proper nourishment. It is very difficult for a child with an empty stomach and tired eyes to be a good student. Since they are unable to pay attention and participate in class, they are unable to achieve success in their grades. In addition they do not receive positive attention from classmates, parents, and teachers. When they are unsuccessful in school, they feel unhappy, discouraged and displeased with themselves. Not only are they discouraged with themselves but often their parents and teachers fault the child rather than the conditions (lack of food, sleep, etc) behind the child’s poor performance further lowering the child’s self-esteem. These unfortunate children give up on school and often on life."
So I know not everyone has the ability to make a contribution but there are always many many other great ways of helping such as keeping this school and its students, staff and administrators in your prayers and kind thoughts!
Thank you for all of your support! I am so blessed to have such great family and friends!
“Charity begins today. Today somebody is suffering, today somebody is in the street, and today somebody is hungry. Our work is for today, yesterday has gone, and tomorrow has not yet come. We have only today to make Jesus known, loved, served, fed, clothed, and sheltered. Do not wait for tomorrow. Tomorrow we will not have them if we do not feed them today.” – Mother Theresa
With much love & prayers,
Natasha Hermann, M.Ed
School Counselor
Mount Carmel Primary School
10 Diaz Street
Benque Viejo del Carmen, Belize, C.A.
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